PCI Assurance Card

Exciting news from the Wisconsin permit office on the much-anticipated release of their new permitting system.  According to the Oversize-Overweight Permit Unit in Wisconsin the system could go live as soon as early October. The permit office has been working diligently with Bentley Systems, Incorporated ...

Indiana Department of Revenue (DOR) and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) have continued to make progress in the development of their new online ordering system.  By collaborating with ProMiles they will develop a system that is safe, accurate, and efficient. In late August they anticipate...

Permit America founders, Jim & Mary Simpson both have a passion for the community and have shared this passion with the employees of Permit America. Every Wednesday employees at Permit America can donate $1.00 to the Permit America charity fund to wear jeans. At the end...

On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and just two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. From that day on July 4th as been celebrated with cookouts, street festivals, concerts, parades, and ending the night...

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) will be holding their week-long traffic enforcement safety initiative, commonly known to Specialized Carriers as “The Safety Blitz” on July 12th- 18th. The Governors Highway Safety Association indicated that less traffic on the roadway due to Covid-19 stay at home...