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Preferred Partner of KTA

Permit America is proud to share they are a Preferred Partner of The Kentucky Trucking Association (KTA).  Policy makers and the public may not always have a clear understanding of the trucking industry and the issues that affect them, in 1962 KTA was founded to be their voice.  In addition to representing the interest of the trucking industry the KTA also provides training and education to owners, operators, and anyone working inside the trucking industry.  Information on the benefits of becoming a member of KTA are listed below, for more information on KTA visit their website.

The Kentucky Trucking Association is a trade association representing the interests of, and serving as the voice for, Kentucky’s trucking industry.

As a KTA member you will have access to the tools and resources needed to make informed decisions. Expand your network through a federation of other trucking groups, industry-related conferences, ATA and its 50 affiliated state trucking associations. Through your membership with the Kentucky Trucking Association, you will have many opportunities to engage in conversations that affect our state concerning the issues of infrastructure and the safety of professional drivers on our streets and highways.

  • Networking This is the most common and most obvious benefit of joining a trade association. In every industry, who you know matters, and trade associations are filled with potential contacts, clients and partners who can help your business move to the next level and become more prominent in your industry. The members of trade associations– particularly the more active members– can build long-term relationships and partnerships that are mutually beneficial. The KTA provides a forum for like-minded individuals to come together to share ideas, strengthen ties, find new jobs and make connections that would not be possible without the association.
  • Training and Education Continued education and development is crucial in getting to the top of any industry. If your company is already a leader in the field, education is a key to remaining on top. This is especially true in any industry that involves a high level of technology, which almost all do in the fast-paced modern world. The Kentucky Trucking Association holds events with seminars, workshops and classes that help our members to learn and grow in their profession. Even outside of these official events, members have constant opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and mentorship that allow members to share experience and knowledge.
  • Influence One of the key benefits of joining a trade association such as the Kentucky Trucking Association is the ability to support the mission of the organization and possibly influence legislation that affects the industry. The combined resources of our members can be used to lobby lawmakers and sway public opinion more positively towards the goals of the association. With the increased level of government regulation in the transportation industry, this is an absolute necessity for the survival of all businesses in the field.
  • Information Membership in the KTA means immediate access to any news or developments that affect your business and the industry. Outside of the usual communication of members to each other, the Kentucky Trucking Association provides newsletter, email updates and informative resources that help its members stay on top of recent developments in the field.
  • Relationships Aside from all the professional benefits that are available through trade associations, we also provide an opportunity for members to build friendships and personal relationships that can last a lifetime.

Source: KTA 

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